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About RTD College

Make your education experience at Rani Tirumala Devi Degree College a beautiful journey in an imperturbable environment. Our college is fully equipped with lecture class rooms, purpose- built labs and learning areas, cafes, recreation areas, libraries with modern reference books and much more. We arrange free transport facilities by a fleet of college buses. Warden's supervision, hygiene, safety, medical checkups are just some of the other amenities at our college.
Establishment of Rani Tirumala Devi Degree College in the year of 1994 with the affiliation of YOGI VEMANA UNIVERSITY. Most experienced faculty guides you to the next level of career with the help of management and staff members works as caretakers and improves your learning.

Skilled Lecturers

Unleash your academic potential with our degree college in Andhra Pradesh, where seasoned and skilled lecturers inspire a culture of excellence, guiding students towards a future of knowledge and success.

Digital Library

Explore a world of learning possibilities through our advanced digital library, a virtual haven that provides students with instant access to a vast collection of e-books, journals, and research materials, transforming the way education is experienced.

Scholarship Facility

Invest in your education confidently with our robust scholarship facility, designed to support aspiring minds. At our college, we believe in removing financial barriers and fostering an environment where every student’s academic journey is empowered and celebrated.

Our mission

Our mission is to transform students into rational thinkers, competent professionals, law-abiding citizens, and spiritually enlightened individuals. Providing high quality, engaging career-based education at all levels of higher education at RTD  with flexible pathways, engaging and fastidious curriculum and contemporary delivery; while maintaining rigorous standards. Encouraging each student to develop the highest possible level of achievements with excellence as a goal in all activities.

Our Vision

Striving continuously for global recognition through academic excellence in higher education for the betterment of society and endeavored to build new branches with multiple locations.

NSS Activities
Student attendance
pass percentage
Co-Curricular activities

Correspondent Message

We had Silver Jubilee Celebrations at Rani Tirumala Devi Degree College, renowned among top colleges in Andhra Pradesh. On this occasion, We would like to introspect on the education system and the values it is imparting to the younger generation and the role our colleges have the best
faculty. I would like to congratulate all students & faculty for being a part of our journey & contributing to a new era of education.

Principal Message

Our RTD college in A.P was created to provide education for character building and leadership along with academics with the support of a dedicated and capable team of educators. Not only  just proposed for attaining knowledge, but also to support student’s spiritual, moral, communal and creative development is our teaching model. I anticipate all aspiring students to join Rani Tirumala Devi Degree College, one of the best placement degree colleges into a rewarding walk towards employment and securing your future.

Director Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Rani Tirumala Devi Degree College, where commitment to excellence is at the core of our degree college in Andhra Pradesh. Gone are the days, In tune with the needs of current market requirements, we have designed our college to be at the most important position in Andhra Pradesh. we are dedicated to nurturing a dynamic learning environment at Rani Tirumala Devi Degree College.